(Marsh 1965) 34" DIP 8" SEv, Midseason, FRA - Huge bright pale creamy yellow with green throat - very tall standout in the garden. Produces bloom that makes a fragrant mass of color and is one of the favorites for garden visitors. An oldie but a goodie!!
(Childs 1981) 28" DIP 7" Midseason, DOR, RE, UF-Crispate - Unusual form lavender large light yellow-green throat and sepals that curl and twist. GARDEN NOTE: Prissy Frills is smaller fans, tends to put all it's energy into the beautiful flowers. It also tends to go somewhat summer dormant after it is done blooming because it puts on it's new fans almost immediately after blooming.
(Gossard 2006) 29" TET 6.50" Midseason, SEv, FRA - Sunfast purple with lighter purple watermark above green throat, also opens very well on cold mornings. (Swallow Tail Kite × (Malaysian Monarch × Tet. Barbara Mitchell))
(Gossard, 2013) 32" DIP 9" Early-Midseason, SEv, RE, FRA, UF-Cascade - Mauve purple with a multiple rainbow colored eyezone and a very green throat. NOTE: This daylily has MANY different faces and looks, depending on the day. I've put a couple pictures up for reference from the same plant. ((Starman's Quest × Kaleidoscope Effect) × Blue Oasis)
Carpenter-J., 2006) 24" TET 5.75" Early-Midseason, Dor, RE, FRA - Lavender bicolor with lighter lavender watermark and yellow green edge above green throat. Grows well and increases quickly
(Unending Melody X sdlg)
(Stamile 1991) 34" TET 9" Early-Midseason, DOR, UF-Spatulate - Massive 9 inch ruby spider with large yellow green throat. Awesome in the garden! (Velvet Widow × Tet. Open Hearth)
Awards: AM 2002; HM 1999; LAA 2011; L/W 2002; PC 2004
(Henry 1986) 16" DIP 3.5" Early-Midseason, DOR - Orchid with red pencil eye - this little daylily is a fabulous bloomer, great look for border/front of garden.
(Petit, 2008) 30" TET 6" Midseason, SEv, - Orchid with purple patterned eye and edge - a mesmerizing flower that glows in the garden. ((Amber Rhum × Rippled Oasis) × (Catcher in the Eye × Ultraviolet Mood))
(Carr 1992) 30" TET 5" Midseason Dor, RE - this flower is really neat, very tall, sparkles in the sun, a very dark black red with black sparkling highlights.
(Shooter, E. 2001) 40" DIP 5.5" Mid-Late season, DOR, RE, Fragrant - Medium red purple with stunning blue lavender watermark outlined in magenta above light cream to chartreuse throat.
Awards: HM 2004
(Burkey 1989) 40" DIP 7" Mid, DOR, UF-Crispate - Violet mauve semi-spider with dark purple eyezone and green chartreuse throat. (Trahlyta × Persian Pattern)
(Stamile, 2004) 26" TET 4.25" Extra Early season, Ev, RE - Cream pink with patterned fuchsia rose eye above green throat.
(sdlg X Stenciled Impressions)
(Carpenter 2002) 25" TET 6" Midseason, DOR, RE - Hot pink self above glowing green eye. This daylily has outstanding color and texture with ribbing as seen in the picture. A show-stopper in the garden. (Chance Encounter × Tet. Red Step Ahead)
(Rice-J., 1998) 26" TET 5.5" Mid-season, Dor, RE - Mauve rose with lavender watermark pink eye and gold edge above green throat. (Angel's Smile X True Grit)
(Stamile, G. 1996) 20" DIP 3.0" Early-Midseason, SEv, RE, DBL - Salmon rose blend DOUBLE with green throat. (Dragons Eye × You Angel You) NOTE: Multiplies fast for me...
(Gossard 2010) 35"TET 5.5" Mid-Late season DOR, RE - Chrome yellow with yellow tentacles, a huge bright yellow that brings out the sun. Registered as having 22 buds, but it's a blooming machine because it doesn't drop buds often! (Yellow Dynamo × To the Limit)
(Petit, T. 2009) 30" TET 5.50" E-Mid, SEv - Lavender with purple patterned eye and matching picotee and gold edge.
((Sunday Sandals X (Daring Deception X Expensive Taste)) X (Reggie Morgan X Bewitching Eyes))