$12.00 Double Fan


Happy Returns - 21-03

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Making My Rounds and Happy Returns 2022

Happy Returns on right - bright yellow, soft crepe look Making My Rounds on left - more golden


(Apps 1986) 18" DIP 3.125" Early-Extended season, DOR, RE, FRA - Yellow self with a soft crepe look. miniature, takes rest periods and reblooms in my garden. This cultivar has a heavy budcount that opens well, which helps extend the bloom time, along with the rebloom. One of the first daylilies to bloom in my garden in the spring, and increases quickly into a nice clump.

Contact Info

Earthly Treasures Daylily Garden
Angie Bowald
3071 Rock Cress Ln
Sandy Hook, VA 23153
P:(804) 9 zero 8-32 zero zero

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