(Stamile 2005) 25" TET 5" EMid, DOR, RE, DBL 99% - Mandarin red self above green throat. ((Clovette Adams X (Sudden Fire X Tet. Frances Joiner)) X ((Anasazi X Tet. Siloam Double Classic) X (Sudden Fire X Tet. Sudden Fire))) B'09
(Joiner, J 1999) 28" DIP 6" Midseason, SEv, RE, Double - Orchid pink DOUBLE with small light purple eye. Another Jan Joiner pink double that is fabulous, light and airy, beautiful!! GARDEN NOTE: MUSIC OF THE MASTER is tender, tends to be smaller, and is not recommended for climates colder than Zone 7.
(Hensley-D., 2012) 35" TET 6" Mid-Late season, DOR, RE, Double 99%, Bright orange DOUBLE with a red band above yellow to green throat. (Libby Gallion × sdlg)
(Gossard, 2011) 35"/11" DIP, Midseason, Dor, RE, VFra, UF-Crispate-Cascade, Double 50% - Chartreuse green yellow with a green throat that may need a warmer climate in order to get a high doubling rate. It's an absolutely gorgeous plant as a single though. (Green Inferno X Firefly Frenzy)
(Trimmer 1998) 28" DIP 6" Early-Midseason, DOR, Double 100%, Fragrant - Pink and cream blend DOUBLE with green throat. (Almond Puff × Frances Joiner) NOTE: This wonderful double absolutely glows in the garden, one of my absolute favorites, and it's a quick increaser for me, but bloom tends to be more around 22" in height here in VA.
(Eller-N., 2016) 33" TET 6" Early season, SEv, RE, Fra, Double 99% - Dark red DOUBLE with darker red veins, darker red eye, white edges. (Fireworks Finale × sdlg)
(Gossard-D., 2017) 29" TET 6" M, SEv, RE, Fra, Double 98% - Red with a lighter watermark and green throat.. (Double Hot Lover × (Max`s Miracle × Red Boutonniere))
(Eller-N., 2016) 30" TET 5.75" Early season, SEv, RE, Fra, Double 94% - Medium red, dark red band, prominent white midribs, piecrust ruffled edges, hose-in-hose with occasional petaloids edged in cream. (sdlg × sdlg)
(Stamile, 2006) 22" TET 4.25" Midseason, SEv, RE, Double 95% - Ruby red DOUBLE self above green throat. ((Hearts of Fire × sdlg) × (Hearts of Fire × sdlg))
(Gaskins, 2012) 32" TET 6.5" Early season, Ev, RE, Very Fragrant, DBL - Stunning large white DOUBLE (100%) on nicely tall scapes. 40B/6B. (Christmas Cotton × unknown)
(Kirchhoff 1997) 16" DIP 5" Early-Midseason, DOR, RE, DBL - Near white DOUBLE with green throat. GARDEN NOTE: Low bloomer, so plant at front of garden bed, but it is STUNNING!! (Chardonnay × (Nagasaki × Siloam Double Classic))
(Bishop-D., 2016) 27" DIP 6" Midseason, SEv, RE, Double 99% - Pink with faded eye and yellow throat. GARDEN NOTES: This is actually a triple stacked flower on many blooms, and the outside sepals open the day before, causing a very uniquely layered look. Blooms like crazy, as well. (Raspberry Ripple Cupcake × unknown)
(Petit-Goff, 2014) 34" TET 6" Midseason, SEv, RE, Double 95% - Hot pink with a large red eye and green throat. ((Lovely and Amazing × Lovely Confection) × (Majorca Isle × Raspberry Souffle))
(Stadler, 2017) 26" TET 5" Midseason, SEv, RE, Double 95% - Orchid pink DOUBLE with deep purple eye and edge. GARDEN NOTE: Thus far is a 3-4" flower, and does not increase very well in Zone 6b. (Sonador × Outbreak) B'18
(Joiner-J., 2014) 23" TET 5.5" Midseason, Dor, RE, Fra, Double 95% - Medium rose DOUBLE with full center that's tightly ruffled. Center petaloids also have a cream edge with yellow-green throat.
(Wolff-D., 2018) 36" DIP 8" Midseason, SEv, UF-Crispate, Double 99% - Rose petals with lighter rose sepals with light violet halo above a yellow green throat and diamond dusting. 11B/3B. (Topguns Metha Scott × Firefly Frenzy)
(Elliott-S., 2014) 20" DIP 3.5" Midseason, Ev, RE, Double 95% - Copper red with very distinct yellow midribs on the petals, multiplies fast, and proliferates as well. GREAT BORDER PLANT! (Wildman George × Two to Tango)
(Scott-B., 2019) 28" TET 6" Midseason, DOR, RE, Double 95% - Pink orange DOUBLE with darker center and green throat, with ruffled orange edge. (sdlg × sdlg)
(Scott-B., 2019) 28" TET 5.75" Midseason, DOR, RE, Double 95% - Dark rose DOUBLE with darker eye and wide white edge, sepals white brushed with rose, green throat. (sdlg × sdlg)
(Scott, Bob 2000) 26" DIP 6.0" Mid-season, DOR, RE, Double (80%) - Golden yellow DOUBLE with beautiful dark red eye above lime green throat.TOPGUNS HELEN JONES and TOPGUNS LOLA SCOTT are both very consistant doubles, I don't think I've actually ever seen a single bloom on them from start to finish in my garden. (Double Wonder × sdlg)
(Scott, Bob 1999) 26" DIP 5.5" Mid-Late season, DOR, RE, Double (90%) - Yellow with red eye above green throat Very pretty, soft yellow color, and the red eye really stands out! TOPGUNS LOLA SCOTT and TOPGUNS HELEN JONES are both very consistant doubles, I don't think I've actually ever seen a single bloom on them from start to finish in my garden. GARDEN NOTE: Fans are smaller on TOPGUNS LOLA SCOTT - it puts all it's energy into the flowers!!
(Kirchhoff-D., 2005) 27" TET 5.5" Early, EV, RE, DBL 100% - Bright pastel cream pink DOUBLE with gold to almost green edge above very green throat. GARDEN NOTE: This is a small-fanned plant. (((John Kirkland X sdlg) X (Seven Sisters X (Champagne Chilling X sdlg))) R'13
(Petit, 2006) 22" TET 5.0" Mid, SEV, RE, FRA, DBL 95% - Peach DOUBLE with purple eye and edge above green throat.
((J.T. Davis X Meet Joe Black) X Blueberry Baroque) GARDEN NOTE: Produces small fans, is tender, not recommended for Zones 6b and colder.
(Joiner-R., 2014) 29" TET 5.5" Midseason, Ev, Fra, RE, Double 94% - Medium rose peach peony form DOUBLE with rose eye and yellow green throat. (Hint of Heaven × Count on It) J'17
(Stamile, G. 1996) 20" DIP 3.0" Early-Midseason, SEv, RE, DBL - Salmon rose blend DOUBLE with green throat. (Dragons Eye × You Angel You) NOTE: Multiplies fast for me...
(Petit-Goff, 2016) 34" TET 6.5" Mid-Late season, DOR, Double 50% - Very large blooms have a golden yellow base color nearly covered by a huge scarlet orange eye and matching picotee repeated on the extra petaloid tissue, cold hardy and fertile both ways. GARDEN NOTE: Truly is mostly 50% single, but is actually sculpted and really pretty as a single and a beautiful addition to the LATE season garden. ((Coronation Dream × John Bassilli) × sdlg)
(Marchant, 2011) 31" TET 7.25" Early-Midseason, SEv, UF-Crispate, Double 95%, RE, Fra - Absolutely beautiful Salmon cream pink DOUBLE with pink eye and partial picotee, edge can show small serrated teeth, takes many forms of double from crested to peony. Hard to get the correct color in a picture! (Heavenly Fission × Barry Goldwater)