(Stamile 1997) 24" TET 6" Early-Very Late season, Ev, RE - Orange sherbet with bright red eyezone and edge above a green throat. One of my earliest and latest bloomers. ((Eye Declare × (Wineberry Candy × Tet. Priscilla's Rainbow)) × Regal Braid)
(Hanson-C., 2009) 40" TET 6" EM, SEv - Violet purple self above green throat. Very fast increaser, tall, heavy scapes to add a centerpiece in the garden. Very dark, bright flowers, hard to get a great picture, but seen in the garden, it's absolutely gorgeous. ((Bela Lugosi X (Jamaican Midnight X John Cipollina)) X Ghost of Thunder Road) B'13
(Carr 2005) 25" TET 5" Early midseason, Ev, RE - Buff with smoky raspberry violet band above green throat - demonstrates crimping at throat on a good many of the blooms that povides a unique looking daylily. (Picture shown without crimping as well.)
(Morss 1994) - 24" TET 3.75" Early, SEv, RE - Coral orchid rose pink with bubbly gold edge and magenta eye. The edge sometimes gets small teeth, but is not registered as having teeth.
(Stamile, G. 2006) 16" TET 3" Early-Midseason, DOR, RE - Rose red with bright red eye above green throat. Great border daylily! ((sdlg × Tet. Siloam Tom Howard) × Broadway Dazzler)
(Martin/Talbott 2003) 17" DIP 2.75" Early season, Ev, RE (registered as a DOUBLE) - Very light creamy yellow blend with rosy pink blush - starts out as a single bloom (as shown in the 2nd picture) and DOUBLES as the temperature rises. This daylily also blooms more around 20-22" for me, and blooms prolifically into September, sometimes October here in VA.
(Reed, M. 1994) 38" DIP 6.0" Early-Midseason, Dor, RE, FRA, Spider - Gorgeous orange with orange-red chevron eye that just shines across the garden. GARDEN NOTE: Reblooms consistently in VA, multiplies quickly, and will grow into a fabulously large clump full of bloom very quickly, but this gorgeous orange is not invasive like kwanso.
(Salter-E.H., 1998) 26" TET 3.75" Mid-season, Ev, RE - Lavender pink cream with light lavender (appliqued) eyezone and yellow green throat. Beautifully detailed eye on a small flower.
(Apps, 1995) 26" DIP 3.12" Midseason, Dor - Maroon black with black purple halo and green throat. The picture doesn't do it justice, just can't get the very dark black to show. Also, every once in a while this little bloom doubles in my garden, and it's absolutely gorgeous because it's so black.
((Pardon Me X Eleanor Apps) X Little Squiz)
(Stamile-G.-Pierce, 2010) 20" DIP 2.85" Early-Midseason, Ev, RE, Double 98% - Butter cream DOUBLE with cherry red eye above a green throat. NOTE: Small fans, as this is a miniature plant with small flowers.
Morss 2000 SEV Tet 22/4.25 EE RE - Medium pink and pastel pink bitone with wire gold edge and green throat. If you are looking for an EARLY bloomer, this is it! EARLY DAYS and WAITING IN THE WINGS compete every year to be the first to bloom in my garden!
(Kirchhoff 2004) 26" TET 7" Extra Early-Extended season, Ev, RE, DBL - Medium apricot DOUBLE with wine purple eye and edge outlined gold. GARDEN NOTE: This is one of the latest rebloomers that I have in the garden, blooming into October each year. Takes a rest around mid summer, and then starts sending scapes up again for the fall bloom. It's registered as a 22" scape, but it's always taller than that for me, closer to 25-26".
(Houston 1992) 24" TET 5.5" Midseason, SEv, Stippled, RE - Bright orange with red eyezone above green throat. A great heat of summer bloom that stands out in the garden. GARDEN NOTE: It sometimes has a stippling effect, and sometimes is orange with a blazing red eyezone as seen in the alternate picture.
(Bennett, R. 1988) 26" TET 6" Dor, EM - Knockout Orange red blend with green throat, quick increaser in my garden, large heavy fans. (Flames of Fortune × Scarlock)
(Yost 1999) 28" DIP 3.75" Early-Midseason, DOR, RE, Fra - Rose cream bicolor with yellow eyezone and cream rose pencil etched eyezone above green yellow throat. (unknown × unknown)
(Stamile, P. 2009) 37" TET 5.0" Early, Ev, RE - Cream with multi banded violet eye above green throat. The eye of GET JIGGY is never the same. Gorgeous!! (Rock Solid X Bit of Blue)
(Morss, 2005) 30" TET 7" Early-season, Ev, RE - Medium amethyst with midnight purple eye and purple outlined yellow gold JAGGED edge with small teeth, and yellow to green throat. FAST INCREASER. ((Moon Feather × Martina Verhaert) × Scott Bennett)
(Apps 1986) 18" DIP 3.125" Early-Extended season, DOR, RE, FRA - Yellow self with a soft crepe look. miniature, takes rest periods and reblooms in my garden. This cultivar has a heavy budcount that opens well, which helps extend the bloom time, along with the rebloom. One of the first daylilies to bloom in my garden in the spring, and increases quickly into a nice clump.
(Morss, 2005) 32" TET 4.75" Early season, Ev - Medium amethyst pastel with slate blue lavender watermark and edge above yellow to green throat.
(((sdlg X Simply Divine) X ((Simply Divine X Royal Art) X (Uppermost Edge X sdlg)))
(Gossard 2004) 24" TET 5" Mid-Late season, DOR, RE - Pink with yellow sharks tooth edge. Should be planted near the front of the bed as it blooms fairly short.
(Bremken-Armstrong, 1949) 40" DIP, Midseason, DOR - Bicolor Purple-red dark petals with yellow midrib and light sepals tinged red-purple. ORD/GYL3 (Hyperion X Black Falcon)
(Carr 1998) 28" TET 5" Early, Ev - Pink blend with gold edge. INHERITED WEALTH is one of the first to bloom in my garden most years, and has an incredible pink tone over gold that just glows in the sun.
(Carpenter, J. 1996) 28" DIP 5.50" Midseason, DOR, RE, FRA - Lavender blue with darker lavender blue eye. You can see that in my garden I get a nice little ruffled edge that picks up that darker lavender blue eye color.
(Shooter-E., 2006) 30" DIP 11" Midseason, SEv, RE, Unusual Form - Purple with white midribs above green throat. Very fast increaser, nice clump forms in short order! C'15
(Rasmussen, 1987) 24" TET 4.5" Midseason, DOR - Golden yellow almost orange, with red eyezone and gold throat. (Bandit Man × sdlg)
Awards: HM 1997; JC 1988
(Kirchhoff-D., 1992) 28" TET 6" Early-Midseason, Ev, RE - Mandarin red with coral orange red watermark above yellow to yellow-green throat. (((Bittersweet Holiday × Regal Flame) × (Study in Scarlet × (Grand Opera × Amadeus)))
Awards: AM 1999; HM 1996
(Shooter 2000) 15" DIP 3" Early-Midseason, DOR, RE - Rich butter yellow gold with tiny green throat. This cultivar has a heavy budcount that opens well, which helps extend the bloom time, along with the rebloom. Registered at 15", but can produce scapes as high as 30" when well watered. One of the first daylilies to bloom in my garden in the spring, and increases quickly into a nice clump.
(Stamile, 2004) 28" TET 5.0" Early-Midseason, Ev, RE, V-FRA - Cream with blue violet band above green throat. Wonderful, sweet smell. Bloom tends to be smaller than the registered 5", more around 4" in VA. I've included it in the small/miniature list for this reason. (((Sheerwater Blues X Tet. Elfin Etching) X Delta Blues) X Tet. Seeing Blue) TS'15
(Kirchhoff 2005) 28"/5.50" TET, Early-Midseason, Ev, RE - Bright clear red edged in varying widths of yellow, with yellow to green throat. (Beyond Eden × sdlg)
(Moldovan 1995) 32" TET 5.5" Midseason, DOR, RE - Medium red-purple and ivory BICOLOR with lemon-yellow to green throat. (Flying Carpet × Emperor Butterfly)
(Smith-FR, 2007) 27" TET 6.0" Early-Midseason, SEv, RE - Light creamy self. Heavy bud count, blooms and blooms!! Look at all the big fat buds!!! (Linda Agin X sdlg)